Rikstone amplifiers
are unique solutions and they can be divided into different amplifier families based on their circuits like VOX, Fender, Marshall etc.
Definition of an amplifier always starts from its purpose where the needed power is one essential starting point.
An amplifer with a low power can be implemented as a Single Ended (SE) power amplifier which always operates in class A.
Definition of channels and their EQs and additional properties such as reverb, tremolo, effect loop etc. are normally implemented in the preamp.
In the power amplifier the power tubes play a very remarkable role. Type of the Master Volume CUT, power halving, Variable Voltage Regulator (may also be in preamp), number of outputs etc. are normally defined for the power amp.
Concerning the characteristics of the amps you'll get useful information by using the Price Calculator on the Prices page.
By contacting me we can start planning even from zero.
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